lundi 12 octobre 2009

Portraits - Snapshots

I met last night some old friends from the fine arts school and I realised that I need to find a new engagement, a diretion in what I do as a photographer. I've collected some old pictures and I posted them with brand new. They're all snapshots, but I think I'd like to work that kind of atmosphere.

vendredi 9 octobre 2009

Scotland part 2

We took a ferry boat with our car to reach the Isle of Skye. Romain wasn't at ease on it.

We decided to take a side road on the isle of Skye.

Neast Point.

The Loch Ness.

dimanche 4 octobre 2009

Scotland part 1

I've been in Scotland mid-September with Romain. He convinced me by showing pictures on Google Maps, he knows that these are exactly the kind of landscapes where I can imagine living in (without actually being able to live in such deserted places).

We were very lucky with the weather. Everytime I found the light beautiful, I took my old medium format camera out of my bag to take some pictures. I've got the four rolls I shot in my fridge waiting to recover some money to bring them to the lab. If I succeeded in manipulating this old mechanic shit, I'll publish them on this blog one day. ;)

This dog spent the end of his life waiting near the grave of his beloved master and have now his own grave (where there are always flowers and plushes) and this stupid statue.

Baked potato with coleslaw...

In Scotland, graveyards are always set in the most beautiful places.